Who am I and what am I doing?
I am a leadership coach and trainer.
I pass on exactly what I was missing in my own management career: easy-to-implement tools and ease for authentic, real leadership. A pragmatic, open and creative accompaniment for your executives on the way to a leadership role that suits their own personality.
My professional background and how it will benefit you:
Diploma in curative education and art therapy
It can get creative. Managers are often too detailed. You are stuck in the hamster wheel. This is particularly noticeable in change processes. That’s why I use creative approaches from this course to look behind the scenes of reason, beliefs and leadership styles. To take people with you instead of titles in change processes, to make leadership sustainable and to make leadership easy and liveable.
Particularly valuable are the tools that I have put together in a toolbox “Use Art” on the topics: Dealing with stress and challenges in a healthy way, exiting crises, burnout prevention and using imagery in change processes.
Social Management M.A.
This extra-occupational degree was a real game changer for me in my management career. I had no support from my employer at the time. The jump into the cold water was cushioned by these 2.5 years, in which I completely reorganized my own leadership role. In my 7 years of management career, I have built up 4 new locations, teams and managers and moderated large and small workshops from 6 to 60 participants.
32 leadership tools built into a “role house” with which every manager builds their very own, individual leadership role. The workbook for this has an impressive 222 pages and serves as a print companion for the sustainable implementation of the content.
Education and certificates related to coaching and training:
Personal and business coach (private university), business coach and trainer (training), NLP practitioner, DISC trainer certificate (ensize), Insights MDI (Scheelen Institute), relief stress prevention (Scheelen Institute)
- Godmother of the German Speakers Association in Munich
- Burnout Network
What you and your managers learn can be implemented. You will enjoy expanding your own comfort zone instead of overtaxing yourself. You will build your own leadership personality step by step. You will see that change processes can be designed. That your executives come out of the felt “powerlessness” and take action. With joy in learning, trying out, creating and a leadership that puts the people in the center.
Leadership doesn’t stand on a dummy. We can learn leadership.
For me, learning leadership was and is one of the best and most intensive personal development programs there is. I pass on this content from practice for practice. Join us and me on a leadership journey and experience that leadership is easy and fun.
Why am I a partner of EAM?
I am a partner of EAM because I have found a highly competent team here that works for and with each other, supports each other and combines and combines the best of our competencies for our customers.
My partners live and work on a common set of values that match my values: quality, individuality, personal growth and lightness.
We focus on people and create great things together.
I am pleased to meet you.